Friday 25 March 2022

How does chatbot improve your PPC strategy?

How does chatbot improve your PPC strategy?

If your business wants to increase conversion rates with PPC, you need every competitive advantage. Interactive chatbots are the future of PPC advertising. Chatbots give personalized service and improve the user experience for customers on mobile devices – and can improve your PPC strategy.


Smart PPC marketers need to leverage every tool to attract more qualified leads and drive more conversions with less effort. In addition to unique landing pages and other traditional tactics to optimize conversion rates, your company can also use chatbots to customize content and improve the user experience.


Let’s check out what chatbots are and how they can enhance your PPC advertising efforts


What is a chatbot?


Unlike many other advertising tools available to PPC managers, chatbots are a few genuinely original developments in the tech space. That’s because chatbots are being developed to provide an automated method for two-way communication between customers and brands.


Brands across industries increasingly use chatbots because they can solve customer problems 24/7, help brands craft an engaging message, and provide relevant information to consumers throughout the decision-making process. Chatbots are always active, which removes the friction that leads to leaky conversion funnels.


The three main types of chatbots include:

Customer service


The most common type of chatbots that companies use is customer service bots. Rather than relying on human employees, customer service chatbots help online users answer frequently asked questions and services and verify online orders.


Marketing bots


Many brands are using chatbots to achieve their marketing goals. Marketing chatbots direct them to relevant content and products based on conversations with users.


Product-specific chatbots


Often, brands struggle to improve the core functionality of their products. Product-specific chatbots collect data based on how customers use the chatbot to help the company improve its product line.

Since you have a basic understanding of chatbots, let’s look at how your PPC strategy can benefit from chatbots.


Chatbots and PPC marketing


We all know that pay-per-click ads aim to get potential customers to click and visit your website. But what happens once they get there? Often those clicks don’t convert into conversions, but we’re not quite sure why. Was the customer confused with the navigation on your website? Was the call to action unclear? Could they not find what they were searching for? These are the most common questions a chatbot can help with.


Chatbots help with PPC marketing by directing customers who clicked to your website to where you want them to go. The significant aspect of chatbots and PPC marketing is that they are customizable! It’s good to use different types of chatbots depending on what page you’re sending visitors to and what your goals are with that page.


For example, if your ad takes visitors directly to a page with a list of your products, a chatbot could help convert users by tracking how they respond to your products or which products they click on most often. Another example could be a PPC ad for a rewards program that offers unique benefits if you pay for membership. These chatbots could respond to questions about the program and explain the details of the rewards.


Why your PPC technique needs chatbots


It’s one thing to obtain your audience to click on a PPC ad, but getting them to convert to your website is another challenge. Implementing a basic chatbot on your PPC landing pages allows your brand to gather more information about your visitors and personalize the content on those pages


Chatbots provide your brand with the ability to interact directly with your customers, but they also serve as a sales assistant that is available throughout the day. Because the chatbot can be programmed to ask specific questions, you can tailor your chatbot to the needs of your business and the expected needs of your customers.


Customized a chatbot on your ad groups‘ landing pages to help with the conversion procedure based on the products or services you advertise in those ad groups. While chatbots are programmable and offer a wide range of capabilities, some of the general ways you can use a chatbot include the following:


  • Interacting with your customers to understand details your customers are looking for based on an available product or service you offer.
  • Narrowing down product choices based on size, price, usage, and other factors.
  • Chatbots can generate clickable links to specific products based on previous interactions.
  • They can filter out common questions like FAQs and reviews or offer recommendations.


Chatbots are far more than just a programmable comments loop. When implemented correctly, they can help your brand gather valuable information about your customers and guide your audience to the products and services they want or need.


It can be nearly impossible to predict your users’ actions if you don’t have enough background information about preferences and key buying behaviors. A chatbot can provide all the benefits of a live customer service representative to make personalized suggestions without the overhead.


Chatbot for PPC marketing is growing and we’re seeing more and more platforms moving to integrate chatbot facilities. The use of chatbots for PPC marketing has gained momentum in the last couple of years. According to Google Trends, search volume around “chatbots for PPA marketing” grew 19 times between 2012 and 2017 as individuals and businesses realized the value of chatbots. Have you checked out our PPC marketing chatbot yet?


The data shows that using a chatbot for PPC marketing can help you streamline customer communications, increase success rates, and boost sales.

Read More: 7 Ways to Automate your human resources activities and save time with HR chatbots

The post How does chatbot improve your PPC strategy? appeared first on EngagerBot.

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