Monday 1 November 2021

What Chatbot Marketing Is and How to Use It In Digital Marketing

What Chatbot Marketing Is and How to Use It In Digital Marketing

With much of the world turning to automation, it’s no surprise that bots are ubiquitous, especially in the marketing world. While any marketing strategy needs to be practical, bots and automation certainly don’t hurt when managing processes and generating leads and customers.

One great automation strategy is chatbot marketing. This digital marketing strategy helps automate customer communication to a certain degree before referring the customer or user to a natural person to help them.

But that’s not all.

What Are Chatbots?

Chatbots are computer programs or software that can automatically talk to users, and they can be programmed to respond differently depending on the user’s choices or requests. For example, a chatbot can ask a user which company’s services they would like to know about and, depending on their choice, give them an answer or direct them to better information.

Advanced bots are supported by AI (Artificial Intelligence), but most chatbots are programmed with specific answers and well-designed conversation trees. Many third-party services make it easy for marketers and business owners to create their chatbot conversation trees without the need for specialist programming or development skills.

The conversation tree covers every possible customer response and tells the chatbot what to say based on that response. Here is an example of a simple conversation tree:

What <strong>chatbot marketing</strong> Is and How to Use It In<strong> digital marketing</strong>

These questions will relate to your specific business and the questions you want your bot to ask your customers.

What Is chatbot marketing?

Chatbot marketing is a strategy that uses chatbots for marketing your business. This tactic caught on when Facebook opened up the possibility of integrating bots into Messenger features. Previously, many Facebook Page messengers were not used at all. Occasionally, customers would send in questions or concerns, and it was much less common for businesses to respond.

The marketing strategy of chatbots can ensure that your customer service queries don’t go unanswered, and many can even help create sales opportunities.

How Can You Use Chatbots in Marketing?

There are various ways in which can use chatbots for digital marketing strategies. Bots can be beneficial for automating basic processes, answering common customer questions, and even making sales.

Let’s find out more.

Chatbots for Customer Service

If your business receives many customer service requests via Messenger (or if you want to use Facebook Messenger as a customer service channel), bots can be a great help. You can create a chatbot that helps customers narrow their customer service questions to a specific category before directing them to the right contact or answer.

Chatbots for Sales

Chatbots can help direct people to your sales channel. Whether you use it to make consultation appointments or collect emails for your newsletter, it can be a great entry point into the customer journey. Many customers are hesitant to pick up the phone, and therefore, it can be helpful to offer them an easy way to communicate online.

Chatbots for FAQ

Let customers or potential customers ask frequently asked questions on your chatbot. Programming your bot with question options and associated answers is a great way to convey information to your audience in a more interactive environment. Your customers will enjoy interacting with your chatbot, making them more likely to choose your business over the competition.

Chatbots for Shopping

Facebook Messenger chatbots even allow your business to offer an in-app shopping experience. You can customize chatbots to allow your customers to browse products and make purchases directly from the chatbot.

Chatbots for Marketing

Of course, there are so various marketing strategies using chatbots. You can use it as a lead nurturing tool. Once someone willingly sends a message to your chatbot, you can continue to send them helpful information to make a purchase or sign up for a service. This can be a powerful tool in your digital marketing arsenal (even more powerful than email marketing) as it is a more direct form of personal communication.

What Not to Do in chatbot marketing

It is essential to keep in mind that there are still some reservations regarding chatbot marketing. While this can be a powerful and effective strategy, it still requires some work from your marketing team or agency.

Firstly, you should not allow your bots to take over your marketing completely. For a strategy to be successful, it needs to have some human touch. While automation can be beneficial, it should not be the only way to communicate. Whether you have your chatbot start conversations that lead to humans or have your team regularly check to ensure the bot is working correctly, it’s important to remember that chatbot marketing is not a set it and forget it strategy.

Secondly, when using chatbots as a marketing or nurturing tool, don’t go too far. Remember that it’s a fantastic tool, and it’s helpful to send messages directly to your customers. So you don’t want to abuse this power. If you send too many messages to your audience, everyone will unsubscribe, and they won’t want to see spam from your business in their Facebook Messenger inbox.

Chatbot marketing is a popular, high-converting digital marketing strategy. It requires some preparation, especially in creating conversation trees and using third-party software to program your chatbots. Still, the initial time and cost investment are worth it if you get this strategy right.

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It helps you keep your website is in tip-top shape. Check it out now here: Marketing Chatbot

Read More: Chatbots – The Future of IT Support

The post What Chatbot Marketing Is and How to Use It In Digital Marketing appeared first on EngagerBot.

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