Thursday 30 September 2021

Why your bakery needs a chatbot?

Why your bakery needs a chatbot?

A chatbot is now an essential requirement for all businesses. If you run a bakery, you can use the chatbot on your website to increase orders and sales. For some people, it’s hard to decide how a chatbot can help you with your cake business.

So, here we have gathered some reasons why a bakery needs a chatbot and how it can help you deliver the experience you want. Here are the reasons why a bakery needs a chatbot.

Cake Orders

1,875,885 Cake Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock

One of the essential things in a bakery is the cake. Cake Orders are something where people would want an easy way.

You can easily take the Cake Orders through a chatbot.

The chatbot talks to people and takes orders. It also collects the data about what they want to put on the cake. This is the best way to know exactly what they want and get it in text form.

In addition, you can also take orders for other items and products directly through the chatbot.

We gave the cake example because it is one of the best-selling products that people like to order. So you can easily take orders for cakes.

The chatbot will ask the customer for all the information, such as the flavor and quantity they want. It will also ask for other information, such as where should deliver the cake. This way, the customer can place the complete order directly through the chatbot.

This way, the customer does not have to go through the website, but the chatbot does the work.

Decision Making

You can quickly make the booking with the help of a chatbot. The following reason why a bakery needs a chatbot is for decision making. When people buy a cake, they think twice or maybe three times before making a decision. You can use the chatbot to help users make the decision.

This way, users are more likely to buy from you because you help them make a decision.

The decision depends on the questions they answer. They are asked about the requirements in the question, and you can even specify the quantity they need.

For example, if a person requires a cake for five people, the chatbot can give the exact quantity for the people. The person can then make a decision accordingly.

So the chatbot can help you make a decision. So your customer can decide with a simple conversation. Decision-making is an important point that you need to consider, and it decides whether the person will buy from you or not.

In this way, you can increase sales with ease. Since you have a unique selling proposition that your competitors do not have, you have an advantage and make more money.

Menu/Products available

Of course, they can see the catalog on your website if you have already provided it. One thing you can do here is upselling. If someone orders a cake through the chatbot, you can show them related products based on their previous activity.

For example, if the user has also viewed chocolate but has not yet purchased it, you can show him all the available chocolates he can buy. If he is interested in buying the chocolate, he can order it directly through the chatbot. This will help you make more sales.

If you want, you can also present all the cake pictures. Depending on the need, the chatbot will show a few pictures.

After that, the user can choose the best picture that they like. The chatbot will then place the order for that particular cake.

Order status

For many bakery products, the order status is also essential. For example, if someone has ordered a cake, they might want to know the order’s details, and you can easily send them the details via chatbot.

The chatbot allows you to send all kinds of details for the same thing.

The customer can request the details, and you can send them the details through the chatbot. This is a useful little feature that your customers are sure to love.

For large orders, customers may want to know the rest of the details of the order. This is where the order status feature comes in handy. Unlike retail orders, bulk orders or wedding orders take more time. Therefore, this feature is beneficial for these people.

Not to mention, it also increases engagement and sales.

Support and Productivity

Among the reasons why a bakery needs a chatbot is a support. Who said a bakery doesn’t need support? Will you certainly need support?

Suppose a customer wants to ask something, who will they contact? They can ask the chatbot instead of calling your phone.

You then don’t have to worry about anything. The customer can ask for assistance at any time and get the information they need. Even if it is night, the chatbot will be active and answer the questions.

It will also increase productivity as you will not have to hire anyone for support, and you will receive fewer calls and have less to worry about managing orders. You can focus on the business aspects while the chatbot does all the tasks for you.

So it’s a great way to increase productivity and efficiency.

Final Words

In summary, these are some of the reasons why a bakery needs a chatbot.

There are many more reasons why a bakery needs a chatbot, and we have only collected some of the most common ones.

So if you want to grow and scale your business, you should have a chatbot. You can contact us, and we will develop a chatbot for your bakery business according to your requirements to increase your sales.

Have you checked out our Food Chatbot?

It helps ensure your website is in tip-top shape. Check it out now here: Food Chatbot

Read More: How A Gym Chatbot Can Attract More People To Your Gym

The post Why your bakery needs a chatbot? appeared first on EngagerBot.

Wednesday 29 September 2021

How A Gym Chatbot Can Attract More People To Your Gym

How A Gym Chatbot Can Attract More People To Your Gym

Increasing awareness of the importance of fitness does not lead to more people visiting your gym. Why?

Because once people join a gym, they often find it difficult to continue their exercise program. Apart from a lack of motivation, there is an apparent lack of commitment between your gym and the people you want to turn into customers.

Gyms often focus only on getting people to buy an annual membership.

Most gyms lack a holistic approach to the customer’s well-being, whether physical activity or mental state and motivation.

There is no meaningful communication between the gym and the clients to motivate them to check out the gym daily. The customer’s alternative experience with your brand is often overlooked in the fitness industry.

The need of the hour is to create a personalized experience that engages, educates, and motivates your customers with their fitness goals. And speaking of a cost-effective solution for personalization, what better than a chatbot in the gym!

 A chatbot in fitness can help your customers stay loyal to their workout plan and, in turn, to your brand.

A gym chatbot interacts with your users through a chat interface and answers their questions about your business and the services you offer. Chatbots are integrated into websites or messaging apps to help businesses automate their regular tasks.

Nowadays, you often encounter a chatbot when booking flights, ordering food, contacting a company’s customer service, etc. chatbots for fitness are also becoming more popular, and many gyms and fitness studios are opting for them to improve customer service and increase business by generating leads.

Let’s have a look at how you can use chatbots in fitness:

The Workout Guide

People new to gyms often don’t know what kind of equipment they need to achieve their desired goals. Not to mention that opting for a personal trainer turns out to be an expensive decision for many.

A gym chatbot can quickly educate users on different workout plans for fitness goals such as fat loss, muscle building, or improving endurance.

The gym chatbot can also provide a suitable diet chart according to the selected fitness goal. The chatbot can also present different workout routines based on the intensity level selected by the user and comfortable to him.

The user can also choose different workout routines for different target areas like arms, legs, etc., and can use images, gifs, and videos in the gym chatbot to illustrate and explain the exercises to the users.

Tracking & Analytics

Analytics is an essential aspect of health management. Setting and measuring goals by setting milestones is something that a new client finds challenging to do. Using machine learning algorithms, AI-powered chatbots for fitness can track users’ progress by monitoring their exercise choices and diet plans.

Intelligent chatbots for gyms can also help optimize personal performance by sending tips and suggestions according to the tracked performance analysis. Users can be asked relevant questions, such as whether they have sore muscles after a particular training session, and then appropriate training sessions are suggested.

Motivation Master

The most common reason people leave the gym is a lack of consistency. Staying fit requires dedication and commitment, and a gym chatbot can help users stay motivated and stick to their workout plan.

By sending out reminders the night before the morning workout, the chatbot in the gym can mentally prepare the user.

This reduces the likelihood of him skipping the workout. In addition, you can also share your goals via chatbots on social media platforms to further motivate yourself.

CountIt, a Slackbot, motivates you by awakening the envy gene. It allows you to challenge your friends, offers team-versus-team challenges and exciting rewards. The bot doesn’t just let you show off by beating your rival.

Challenge winners are rewarded with exciting prizes like Starbucks lattes, Amazon gift cards, Fandango movie tickets, and more.

Benefits of Using gym chatbots:


Like personal trainers, chatbots in the gym provide personalized workout and nutrition recommendations based on user-entered data such as height, weight, BMI, fitness goals, etc. Chatbots are a one-time investment and can play the role of a personal trainer at a fraction of the cost.


Unlike personal trainers, fitness chatbots can talk to hundreds of people at once, offering personalized services to each of them. With the help of certified nutritional experts and trainers, the chatbot conversation is developed based on concrete facts to guide the user appropriately.

Ease of Use

With chatbots in the fitness industry, people don’t have to download separate apps or familiarise themselves with a new app. Chatbots can be used in popular apps that people already use, such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Slack, etc.

Conversational Warmth

Chatbots for a fitness offer your customers an enriching user experience with a conversational interface and instant responses.

24*7 Availability

No matter the time of day or night, chatbot support is available around the clock. Whether you want to work out during the day or at night, you can be assured of 24*7 chatbot support.

A chatbot is not only used to motivate people to work out at your gym, but it can also attract people and invite them to your gym.

Have you checked out our Fitness & Leisure Chatbot?

It helps ensure your website is in tip-top shape. Check it out now here: Fitness & Leisure Chatbot

Read More: How to get valuable customer feedback online with chatbots

The post How A Gym Chatbot Can Attract More People To Your Gym appeared first on EngagerBot.

Saturday 25 September 2021

How to get valuable customer feedback online with chatbots

How to get valuable customer feedback online with chatbots

“Your feedback is useful to us…” is a common refrain among feedback mechanisms in companies. But what good is that if a customer can’t tell you what they want, mainly if it can’t be summed up in a 10-5 rating?

Chatbots can give a better feedback loop and improve customer relationships while providing better business data.

Market experts, business leaders, and data-based analytics tools like excellent round numbers. That’s why most consumer satisfaction surveys are fixated on 1-5 ratings, whether numerical, starred, or thumbs up.

Even worse from the customer’s point of view is the request to “please leave feedback” but only tick a list of “very good,” “good,” or “neutral.”

And where have “could be better” or various other feedback options gone?

As a consumer, even with simple feedback, I want the companies I am in contact with to improve their performance or acknowledge successes. I love to praise vendors who put a small giveaway in a package or go the extra mile to provide excellent service, whether through the service staff, a service associate, or another team member.

In various other sectors such as wellness and education, patients and students are often asked to rank their level of service. A chatbot provides the ideal mechanism to generate feedback or increase engagement prices when a higher level of detail is required to see precisely how these audiences are progressing.

When companies ask themselves, “How can I get customer feedback online??”, the answer is increasing: via a chatbot. But where can you describe these kinds of feelings and endorsements in a 1-5 rating?

Would a “3” or “4” be okay – and what if a company goes out of its way to help you? Where is a “5+” or a “6” then? That’s why a chatbot is more likely to take over the customer feedback form, imagine:

“Hi, how did we handle your last transaction. Was it great, did we do well, or can we improve our service?”


Look at how much space a customer has to think about the fact that the pet shop added a few extra treats to his order, or that the dentist made a child feel relaxed and took away his fear, or that the new workshop discovered and fixed a random fault that the previous workshop had overlooked for a few years!

How to collect customer feedback with a chatbot

Businesses are using chatbots in large numbers for customer service, internal employee services, and other purposes. The non-tech-savvy consumer and business world has become accustomed to chatbots, and the technology is not new, or something people are afraid of.

According to a 2018 survey, 72% of chatbot users find them helpful and informative – a percentage will increase throughout 2019 as bots become more intelligent, more accessible, and more valuable.

Adding a feedback mechanism to a chatbot is a trivial task. Extending the original chat or providing a reminder message at some point after the original chat and any resulting transactions or interactions have taken place can be added to Facebook Messenger, SMS chatbots, your app, or to solicit feedback about your website the next time a customer visits.

Provided the chatbot stores legitimate and legal interaction logs and ensures the user agrees and opts-in to future messages, all it takes is a cheerful “Hi, can I have your feedback for a minute, please?” And then the key questions that provide data for the company to seriously improve its service.

Make sure you add balance or a positive factor to the chatbot by labeling it a feedback/compliment bot, rather than falling into the easy trap of calling it a ‘complaint bot.’

With the ratings ticked, the options chosen, and the data or other feedback accepted by the chatbot, the company can collect and analyze customer feedback.

Some companies still wonder how to analyze all this random, unsorted data. Well, the most convenient point to do is to keep the 1-5 points as part of the chat, but perhaps after the customer has had a chance to think and respond.

However, chatbots and artificial intelligence can analyze the text and understand the sentiment, looking for negative or positive words to infer the general tone and specific verbs or nouns to understand product or performance comments.

While positive thoughts increase the score, negative ones at least provide a reason for the low feedback, be it:

  • “Delivery was too slow”
  • “The agent didn’t understand my problem”
  • “Your script sucks”

Using AI to understand sentiments from a chatbot feedback questionnaire or chatbot satisfaction survey can analyze a large volume of chat messages. If your business is smaller, a short text log of feedback can also reveal what your business is succeeding or not so well.

Creative ways to ask for and collect feedback

If your business offers a feedback option and no one cares, you need to get creative about how the feature works.

Most grocery shops, McDonald’s, and other fast food places offer this option, which shows how vital soliciting feedback is even for large companies that can afford to do all kinds of research.

Other ways to encourage feedback include a discount voucher for the next purchase or use of your services. If you offer a time-limited voucher along with the feedback session, people are more likely to take advantage of it, which helps build a positive reinforcement loop.

Brands or companies with more short-lived businesses can solicit feedback by, for example, creating a quiz for Facebook in which they weave feedback questions in a fun and exciting way.

Perhaps a “we’re sorry” discount could help turn that negative sentiment into something positive if they have something negative to say.

There are many ways to shape the conversation. Still, even those developing their first chatbot, most companies can create a helpful chatbot question list based on existing examples or by talking to regular customers to find out how they would like to be answered.

As it’s their feedback, feel free to make the bot more conversational and personal than usual, using names and information to encourage engagement.

Statistics on chatbot feedback and how not to do it

When it comes to recognizing the value of a chatbot, whether a feedback form or another application, customers have several priorities, personalization, understanding the customer’s value, and automated actions are at the top of the list.

Every business needs to consider these needs, no matter how simple or complex the chatbot and its questions are.

Businesses also need to ensure that the feedback bot is friendly and engaging, rather than a formal bot, as might be the case with an introduction bot or a proper sales tool.

What to do with customer feedback

Do something, do anything – that is the general desire of customers. Regular customers like nothing more than “Our consumers asked for this, so we did xxx,” and they feel they have contributed something.

The worst feeling is the uncertainty that their feedback will disappear into a black hole, never to be seen again.

Therefore, the company needs to develop a data strategy when planning the feedback chatbot session.

One approach is to set thresholds for positive feedback (perhaps rewarding the responsible staff or departments with a bonus) and for negative feedback (launching an investigation into what happened). Finding ways to improve business efficiency or product features can be based on feedback if enough information is available.

All of this requires more than a 1-5 rating, no matter how much TripAdvisor and others tout it as a critical metric. As chatbots become a daily part of the business discussion, customers expect feedback to be built into the bot and available on-demand or by tapping an option.

Building and preparing feedback into chatbots, and developing an ROI case if needed, will help any business improve its performance and take the consumer feedback loop more seriously.

Chatbots can provide live data that alerts the business to an issue or useful dashboards that assist businesses to move in the right direction and keep the customer base happy.

Have you checked out our Feedback & Customer Support Chatbot?

It helps ensure your website is in tip-top shape. Check it out now here: Feedback & Customer Support Chatbot

Read More: Webinar Registration Bot

The post How to get valuable customer feedback online with chatbots appeared first on EngagerBot.

Friday 24 September 2021

Webinar Registration Bot

Webinar Registration Bot

Online webinars help organizations automate marketing campaigns, increase conversions, generate leads, drive customer engagement, and more. Chatbots for webinars can assist you in automating workflows and provide a flawless experience for attendees.

If you are hosting a webinar online, you can use chatbots to automate various workflows such as registration, online viewing, sending updates, testing, collecting feedback, and much more.

This blog will assist you in learning more about the chatbot you can create for your users to register online for your webinars. We will introduce you to this chatbot’s key benefits and features for Webinar Registration and show you how to obtain the most out of it.

Let’s first understand what a Webinar Registration Chatbot is.

What is a Webinar Registration Bot?

A Webinar Registration Chatbot is a conversational software that allows companies to support their users in registering online for webinars. Use the software on B2B blogs and websites, and it gives visitors detailed information and helps them find out more about your webinars.

The software can engage with hundreds of website visitors at the same time. It answers their questions in real-time and saves them from waiting for a live agent or redirecting to a FAQ page.

Top Benefits of Using a Webinar Registration Bot

Below are several of the benefits of using a Webinar Registration Bot.

1. Gain Attention

An ideal Webinar Registration Bot helps businesses capture the attention of their audience through various effective conversational tactics. This helps businesses to encourage their website visitors to attend web events.

2. Save Data and Information

A Webinar Registration Bot interacts with website visitors and asks them for their basic information such as name, email address, contact number, etc. The bot stores this information in the database, which you can later use as leads.

3. More Signups

Most organizations use Webinar Chatbots to run various conversational ads and Google PPC campaigns. This helps them get 5x – 15x more signups and registrations compared to non-conversational registration tools and techniques.

4. Brand Promotion

A Webinar Registration Bot saves your users the hassle of waiting in a queue and registering for an upcoming webinar. This helps you project a positive image of your brand and connect better with your audience.

5. Full-Time Availability

Webinar Registration Chatbots work around the clock and are available to users all the time. They help you increase your Webinar Registrations by responding in real-time to the needs of people from different time zones.

Major Features of Webinar Registration Chatbot

Here are a few key features that every Webinar Registration Bot must-have.

1. Simple Registration

A good Webinar Chatbot has an easy registration process for users to collect their details and register them for the webinar. Users can register themselves for a webinar by simply clicking on the link sent via email.

2. Send SMS and E-mail

The Webinar Registration Bot helps you send text messages and emails to users with updates and other necessary information. They also help send registration details to the webinar organizers via email or text message.

3. Email Integration

This is among one of the most valuable features of an excellent Webinar Registration Bot. Integrating an email service with your Webinar Registration Bot helps you send the webinar link to multiple users at once.

You can easily integrate this email service into your registration bot. Every time a user shows interest in joining the webinar via your chatbot, they will receive the registration link via email.

4. OTP verification

The OTP verification feature helps organizers verify participants’ credentials by sending them an OTP to their mobile number or email.

5. Bot Flow Customization

This feature allows you to customize the bot flow according to your business needs. You can upload your questions and answers, links to knowledge bases, FAQs, and more to help users find relevant answers to their questions.

Have you checked out our Events & Conferences Chatbot?

It helps ensure your website is in tip-top shape. Check it out now here: Events & Conferences Chatbot

Read More: How to use Chatbots for Education and Learning

The post Webinar Registration Bot appeared first on EngagerBot.

Thursday 23 September 2021

How to use Chatbots for Education and Learning

How to use Chatbots for Education and Learning

Chatbots are one of the many great promises of Information technology. They were conceived as a new interface to replace or complement applications or visits to a website by allowing users to interact with a service simply through a chat.

How do they work?

These computer programs generally referred to as “bots,” can process natural language and provide answers to user questions.

However, these answers do not always come in the form of text, but sometimes in concrete actions, such as revealing a video when a user asks for it, showing a photo, making a purchase, making an appointment, and much more.

For this reason, some industries, notably retail, customer service, and even banking, are adopting this technology, allowing their users to operate their systems as efficiently as if they were having a chat with a human to respond to an order or request.

The advancement of this technology is that companies like Facebook have introduced APIs that allow brands to integrate bots into their Messenger and use them to communicate with their customers. But there is an additional area where chatbots could have significant capacity, which is Education and Learning.

ChatBots in Education

For decades, it has been known that each student in the same class has different learning needs and interests. Therefore, each of them can benefit from the help of a specialized tutor.

Unfortunately, this kind of service is not available even at the most expensive universities in the world.

What is the most valuable and cost-effective alternative to solve this problem?

Chatbots for Education.

Bot is learning. Study chatbot with book. Online education. cartoon illustration 344661 Vector Art at Vecteezy

In most cases, can use chatbots to deliver introductory lectures. The goal is that chatbots can serve as virtual advisors, adapting to the students’ abilities. To put it simply, they adapt to their learning pace.

On the other hand, new proposals want chatbots to work as vertical tutors and participate in a dialogue with each student. This way, they can meet with them and know in which subjects they need help.

Advantages of using a ChatBot

The most critical function of chatbots lies in their ability to identify the user’s intention. Based on this identification, the chatbot extracts relevant data from the request. However, if you cannot understand the user’s request, you will not give the correct answer.

Once the intent is identified, the chatbot needs to provide the most appropriate response to the user’s request, which can be as follows

  • a generic and predefined text response
  • a context using data provided by the user
  • data stored in databases
  • a specific action (the chatbot interacts with one or more applications)

The main benefits of using chatbots for businesses or in other areas are:

  • Reduction in the cost of staff providing customer service.
  • Immediate support and answers for users
  • Better user experience
  • Ability to learn about user preferences through the use of Artificial Intelligence systems
  • Easy integration with different digital platforms without the need to download applications or additional programs.

Applications for chatbots in education

It is becoming increasingly common for students at all grade levels to use messaging services to interact and occasionally with their teachers.

These are standard attributes in platforms such as Google Classrooms and other class management systems and enable exchanges that aim to ask questions and get answers that support the learning process outside the classroom.

Similarly, more and more MOOCs and other online courses provide access to forums and communication systems that allow for consultation and discussion with teachers and other colleagues.

According to various studies, having critical discussions about the learning content enables a better understanding and enhances the learning process.

Chatbots could replicate this process on a large scale by creating channels where students can discuss any topic with an “expert,” ask questions and draw conclusions that improve their understanding of different topics.

This is the point of view of Bill Gates, who recently gave an interview to The Verge. He explained the advantages of these systems in personalizing education and achieving better results.

According to the Microsoft founder, his learning technique has always been to seek out people who know even more about particular topics than he does and ask them questions to find answers or confirm his points of view.

This way of absorbing knowledge, he explained, can be accessible to everyone thanks to chatbots. According to him, they can become virtual experts on different topics and become mentors and learning partners for students of all levels, helping them understand and develop each topic at their own pace, asking what is needed, and creating positive sharing spaces that allow students to share more knowledge.

These are several of the innovations that chatbots can offer in virtual education:

It detects the emotional state of the students, which, when recognized by the chatbots, can change the answer with a linguistic adaptation or even a joke.

Personalized learning that adapts to the rhythm of the student, depending on their needs and specific requirements. This allows for a more direct orientation when conveying information or answering questions related to a course.

It allows the teacher to reduce the time invested in organizing and completing tasks, as chatbots provide instant answers to common student questions that have been previously designed.

The time saved can be invested in research or upcoming projects for the course and mentoring and motivating the group.

Store and analyze data effectively when reviewing student assessments and progress. As a result, using Artificial Intelligence helps students organize their time and assign tasks according to their goals in an effective and accessible way.

The automated learning tool focuses on education and interaction and does not consider the student’s resources, language, or location. It can be viewed as something like a “democratization of learning.”

Have you checked out our Education & Coaching Chatbot?

It helps ensure your website is in tip-top shape. Check it out now here: Education & Coaching Chatbot

Read More: The Reason Why AI and Chatbots are Revolutionizing the World of Web Design

The post How to use Chatbots for Education and Learning appeared first on EngagerBot.

Wednesday 22 September 2021

The Reason Why AI and Chatbots are Revolutionizing the World of Web Design

The Reason Why AI and Chatbots are Revolutionizing the World of Web Design

One of the things that many peoples misunderstand about web design is that it’s not just a visual thing. Sure, a design should appeal to the viewer visually, but web design also needs to be functional, intuitive, and engaging.

Achieving all this is not easy, but it is possible. With emerging new techs trends like AI and chatbots, the world of web design could be undergoing one of the most significant changes yet. 

So here are some reasons why AI and chatbots will revolutionize the world of web design.

1. Machine learning

34,485 Machine Learning Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock

The first thing you must know about fact-based web design is that the process is usually relatively crude. You create a design and let your audience interact with it.

Then the data from the interactions are analyzed and processed to give you actionable information about how to proceed from that point.

Using AI-based machine learning, your website can interpret this information itself and identify patterns that can lead to its self-improvement.

In other words, web design improvements will be more intuitive and accurate.

2. No more starting from scratch

en]Building a Website from Scratch - What does it Mea

The next point you need to understand is that the concept of creating a website from scratch is finally behind us. With the help of AI and AI trends, numerous website building blocks can be integrated into the website creation process.

With the help of self-learning algorithms, programming will become much more accessible, even for complete non-specialists. This means you can look forward to much higher-quality results.

3. live chat is everything

<strong>live chat</strong> Vector Illustration (AI)

Another thing to remember in mind is that more and more websites offer live chat on their website. There are many reasons for this.

First of all, instant response dramatically improves the customer experience and makes your customers feel special and appreciated.

Secondly, you would be surprised how many problems these chatbots can solve on their own

Most importantly, with the current state of technology, people either don’t care or can’t tell if there is a real human being on the other end of the line. So there is no reason not to use them.

4. The majority of professionals are already using it

SEO Services - The Black Lily

Another essential point to think about is that most web design industry has already recognized these facts and trends. 

If you are trying to find a trusted web design industry in the UK, the chances are that you will find a company that is currently investing heavily in AI-based tools and trends.

This is most likely the best indicator of how important this trend is in the industry. As time goes on, this trend will become more and more critical.

5. It’s not just about the automation

A Breakdown | Guide To CRM For Virtual Assistants - Welp Magazine

Perhaps the biggest mistake many people make when embracing the role and purpose of chatbots is to assume that it is a concept limited solely to automation.

The truth is that there is much more to it. Namely, by entrusting a task to AI, one eliminates

  1. Eliminate the likelihood of human error
  2. You decrease the time it would take to complete that task
  3. You opt for a more scalable solution. 

And why? Well, because these AI tools and algorithms are becoming more sophisticated by the hour.

6. Quality testing

Developers building, testing and deploying chatbots on platforms. chatbot platform, virtual assistant development, cross-platform chatbot concept. bright vibrant violet isolated illustration Free Vector

Finally, one of the essential factors in the world of digital marketing is quality testing. In the past, this was a tiresome and even incorrect task, based on dubious metrics and performed by experts, with a high chance of human error.

The reason why these methods have not always been so effective is that customer behavior is evolving. So it would help if you had a tool that could track this.

Nowadays, however, quality testing can be done by an AI-powered tool and is therefore much more reliable.

Last but not least, you need to be aware that the landscape of web design is constantly changing and evolving. This means that the only way for an online company, a company with an online presence, or a specialized web design agency to stay competitive is to keep up with these changes and innovations.

Have you checked out our Design Chatbot?

It helps ensure your website is in tip-top shape. Check it out now here: Design Chatbot

Read More: What Can Cleaning Services Chatbot Do For You?

The post The Reason Why AI and Chatbots are Revolutionizing the World of Web Design appeared first on EngagerBot.

What Can Cleaning Services Chatbot Do For You?

What Can Cleaning Services Chatbot Do For You?

A chatbot is a solution supported by policies and an expert system that allows your visitors to communicate through a chat interface on your website. They are used to provide a better experience for your visitors and help you increase your website conversions.

The awareness of chatbots for cleaning services is increasing, and we are seeing more and more systems moving to integrate chatbot features. The use of chatbots for cleaning services has gained momentum in recent years.

Chatbots Are Effective

The benefits of chatbots are already visible to many, and the future of e-commerce will be everything about chatbots. Chatbots have revolutionized the way users connect with your website. Users no longer have to click “connect” or “sign-in” but instead use chat, which is now a much more convenient and engaging medium for conversation.

What’s more, chatbots are easy to implement, and you don’t need any knowledge to understand how to use them. For example, chatbots can easily communicate with your visitors via email and messaging apps like Skype.

The benefits of chatbots for cleaning service providers are limitless and numerous, and their current applications are too numerous to mention here.

Why You Should Use A cleaning services Chatbot

Chatbot administrations generally contain many answers to users’ questions. Not only do the answers to some of your questions eliminate the need for a call center, but chatbot administrations also save a lot of time for you as an administrator.

Sites looking for a service that offers top-notch cleaning services to their clients can use the currently available chatbot administrations for cleaning. Examples of chatbots for cleaning services you can find many examples of chatbot administrations for cleanliness guidance available for any cleaning service your users may need.

Several reasons why you should consider doing business with Chatbot

  • You can significantly boost your company’s conversion rates and develop a more engaging and pleasant customer experience by letting chatbot users contribute to your website.
  • Chatbots usually ask for absolutely free services, which is a great advantage for small and medium-sized businesses with limited budgets.

What cleaning services Chatbot Do Best

Customers can expect an engaging and straightforward experience when interacting with a chatbot. Incidentally, chatbots make a digital experience accessible to all your visitors interested in discussing cleaning services, getting an answer, and getting the best products.

Undoubtedly, a potential customer who wants to make a purchase knows very well the variety of products available on the market. However, recommending cleaning services is particularly important.

A live chatbot system used for online customer acquisition will take care of this essential requirement of your customer experience.

The Advantages Of Chatbots For Your Business

If you think chatbots are all-or-nothing solutions, you’re wrong! Chatbots are easy to integrate, they can do tasks the way they are programmed, and you don’t require a long-term strategy to set them up.

All you need to do is register them with the tool and install a short link to their API. A chatbot is not just for websites; and you can also install them on social platforms like Twitter, Facebook, or Fb Chat and use them for that purpose.

Much popular microblogging and social media networks have made the required adjustments to their platforms and added valuable features, chatbots, or similar mechanisms to integrate them in less than an hour, starting from a simple CRUD interface.

How To Use cleaning services Chatbot For Your Business

What are the pros of implementing a chatbot that delivers end users to your website? The chat user interface can include services that the user expects from a cleaning company.

At the same time, the chat interface can be designed to match your branding and integrate all other website content you use to sell your services and products.

Chatbots help you perform most of the tasks expected of a cleaning company on your website, including making appointments and communicating between the customer and the company.

Have you checked out our cleaning services Chatbot?

It helps ensure your website is in tip-top shape. Check it out now here: cleaning services Chatbot

Read More: Travel Chatbots: Top 8 Use Cases / Examples, Benefits & Future

The post What Can Cleaning Services Chatbot Do For You? appeared first on EngagerBot.

Tuesday 21 September 2021

Travel Chatbots: Top 8 Use Cases / Examples, Benefits & Future

Travel Chatbots: Top 8 Use Cases / Examples, Benefits & Future

Booking travel is a hassle, and I can’t remember a trip abroad with the family where I spent hours booking flights and accommodation. There are tons of options for flights (e.g., different dates, airlines), hundreds of accommodations, and many other things to choose from (which cities/beaches to visit nearby, etc.).

The abundance of choices makes decisions complex, and an intelligent bot can help us manage this complexity. This is why the travel industry is one of the top 5 industries for chatbot applications, according to surveys.

One survey showed that 87% of users would interact with a travel chatbot if it could save them time and money. Chatbots act as personal travel assistants, helping customers find flights and hotels, offering budget options for travel, and presenting packages and campaigns according to consumers’ travel behavior.

Chatbot benefits in the travel industry

According to a research article from 2021, it is these characteristics that make chatbots a good candidate for the travel industry:


Friendly chatbots provide a better customer experience and create better opportunities for businesses to generate leads through chatbots. For example, a chatbot used by GRT Hotels & Resorts exchanged over 175,000 messages within 2.5 months of its launch. This resulted in

  • 84% of those who interacted with the bot shared their contact details
  • 40% of them had a booking intention


  • Chatbots provide an instant response 24/7 through multiple communication channels and can route calls to a live agent if needed. Real-time answers are an essential advantage because ±50% of customers expect companies to be available 24/7.
  • Real-time answers are not valuable if they don’t answer your question. Understanding and recognizing user intent is key to providing the correct answer. In addition, chatbots that understand and use human humor are rated as more personable, collaborative and competent, and provide better solutions and services than those that don’t.


The Reliability of a chatbot is directly related to its ability to give the correct answer within a conversation.

  • Reliability depends heavily on the chatbot’s ability to understand natural language and the data it is trained on.
  • An up-to-date training dataset on travel prices, destinations, packages, and comparisons ensures the Reliability of a travel chatbot.

These features are positively related to user satisfaction after use and continuity of use of the services offered.

Top chatbot use cases in the travel

Chatbots can offer 24/7 service in multiple languages and respond to multiple customers simultaneously, making them an excellent candidate for the following tasks:

Search for booking opportunities

In different communication channels (e.g., WhatsApp, Slack, Facebook Messenger), users can enter queries about their destination and travel dates and give the chatbot criteria to search for options, which it provides to the user during the conversation.

Chatbots can also ask users questions to narrow down choices, such as “What is your budget?”, “How many people will be traveling?” or “Are your dates flexible?”.

Manage inquiries

Before making a final decision on travel plans, users may have questions about travel insurance, travel requirements, prohibitions, estimated road charges, etc.

Chatbots can answer FAQs and handle these queries without the need for a live agent.

Timely and accurate responses are critical during the COVID 19 outbreak, as travel policies between countries can change daily.

Complete reservations

When users decide on an itinerary such as a flight or hotel, the chatbot can request user information, ID or passport details, and the number of children accompanying the user. The chatbot also provides a channel for credit card payments, completes the reservation, and sends travel plans via email or message.


AI-enabled chatbots can understand user behavior and create cross-selling opportunities by offering flight and hotel packages, car rental options, discounts on tourist tours and activities.

They can also recommend and offer vouchers for restaurants or cafés with which the travel agency has contracts.

This is beneficial not only for the companies but also for the users. For example, not all visitors know the hidden gems (and sometimes even essential sights) in the places they visit. Offering a tour of Stromboli to visitors to Sicily might mean they don’t miss a famous sight near the islands.

Manage to book

Users can chat with a chatbot to handle their bookings:

  • Arranging for a wheelchair
  • Changing check-in dates
  • Choosing flight seats
  • Online check-ins

Manage cancellations

Chatbots can facilitate booking cancellations without having to pass them to live agents. The chatbot asks for the customer’s details and reservation codes or PNR(Passenger Name Record). Then it can cancel the user’s reservations, recommend replacements for canceled flights or hotels, provide information on refund and return policies, and submit refund requests.

Manage luggage inquiries

Chatbots usually have access to live data from airports or train stations, so users can contact chatbots to find out where baggage claim is and which platform their luggage is on. And in case of lost luggage, chatbots can create a luggage claim based on the user’s information and ticket PNR.

Collect customer reviews

Compared to surveys, conversations are a friendly way to collect customer reviews seamlessly. After completing a booking or service, the chatbot can ask users some questions about their experience, such as “How delighted are you with the services of this travel agency?” or “Would you suggest this agency to a friend?”, or ask them to write a comment on how can improve the services.

Future of travel chatbots

Statistics suggest that users are becoming more familiar with chatbots, which will lead to an increase in popularity in various industries. For example:

  • >30% of consumers are excited about chatbots
  • 35% of consumers want more businesses to use chatbots.
  • 80% of consumers who have worked with a chatbot report a positive customer experience.

In addition, global brands have used chatbots to process bookings, recommend itineraries and provide offers and campaigns to current and potential users. 

This will encourage medium and small travel agencies to consider chatbots as a way to increase customer satisfaction.

On the other hand, millions of dollars are being spent on funding companies that offer travel chatbot and virtual assistant platforms.

Have you checked out our Booking & Travel Chatbot?

It helps ensure your website is in tip-top shape. Check it out now here: Booking & Travel Chatbot

The post Travel Chatbots: Top 8 Use Cases / Examples, Benefits & Future appeared first on EngagerBot.

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